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National Woodie Club Foundation - In Process

We are pleased to announce that the NWC board has taken steps to establish the National Woodie Club Foundation. There have been ongoing discussions about this for several years. The driving factor being that, currently, donations to the NWC are not tax deductible.

After much study it was determined that setting up a separate 501 (c)(3) charitable organization was the best alternative. To that end, the board authorized the officers to proceed with both filing for the 501 (c)(3) incorporation and creating the necessary by-laws and structure for the NWC Foundation.

Once established, individuals, corporations, etc. will be able to make donations to the Foundation and take an income tax deduction. The assets held by the NWC Foundation will be used in a qualified manner to advance the mission of the NWC over time.

We have already been advised of a possible legacy gift to the Foundation and we look forward to the time when others will consider the opportunity to donate.

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